Humanitarian Response to the Sudan Conflict

25 July 2023
Last month, as the devastating conflict in Sudan raged on, JOA committed £150,000 to two humanitarian partners (UNHCR – The United Nations’ Refugee Agency and CARE International) that are providing life-saving assistance to those impacted by the protracted and violent war.

The conflict has left an estimated 24.7 million people in need of humanitarian assistance – a 57% increase from the number in need at the beginning of 2023. Over 1.4 million people have fled their homes, including over 450,000 who have crossed into neighbouring countries Chad, South Sudan, Egypt, CAR, and Ethiopia.

The ongoing conflict has caused severe damage to essential civilian infrastructure, causing major disruption and limited access to energy, water and communications. The ongoing violence is significantly compounding existing needs caused by years of insecurity, natural hazards, disease outbreaks, and economic deterioration. The number of food insecure people has increased by about 2 million compared to last year and the response is significantly underfunded.

JOA’s £75,000 allocation to UNHCR that will be used to support the UN agency’s sixmonth Regional Response Plan (RRP) which is focusing on providing essential support for neighbouring countries as the number of displaced people rises. The plan will support host communities in providing timely life-saving assistance through legal aid, family reunification and the provision of food, shelter, and core relief items as well as cash assistance.

CARE International, which has also received £75,000 from JOA, continues to operate inside Sudan with offices in four of the six states including Kassala, Gedaref, East Darfur and South Kordofan. CARE is focusing on lifesaving operations in health, nutrition, WASH and the prevention of Gender Based Violence with refugee communities, the majority of which are women and children.

In addition to the support Jersey has provided in response to the devastating situation in Sudan, this year JOA has also provided the following grants, in response to multiple sudden onset and ongoing humanitarian crises.